Why Your Trees and Shrubs Still Need Some Loving Care After Their Leaves Fall

Winter Tree CareThere are some routine tasks that you can undertake each fall and winter to make sure your trees are ready for the spring. 

Reduce Next Year’s Pest by Spraying Oil

Insects and mites love to live and lay eggs in the cracks of bark, on twigs, and pine needles. You can spray trees with horticultural oil in the “dormant” season to kill the pests and their eggs.

Fertilize Trees in the Fall

Your Trees need nourishment year ’round and the fall is a great time to fertilize the root zones under trees and shrubs. Trees in urban or suburban areas don’t get the normal composting they would see in a forest so fertilizer can make your trees more healthy.

Pest Problems Continue in Mild Weather

Depending on the weather, pests can cause problems until the late fall. If the weather is mild until November, you may need to treat for pests once more before the winter.

Spraying Evergreens To Reduces Winter Damage

Spraying broadleaf evergreens like Hollies, Rhododendrons, and Boxwoods with Winter Protection sprays can help them to keep in their moisture through the winter. These sprays can prevent evergreens from drying and browning out during the winter.

The Best Time to Prune Trees is in the Fall and Winter

Make sure to remove dead limbs and decaying limbs. Basically thin out the tree as needed to help your trees stay healthy and reduce their chances to be damaged by snow and ice.

You could attempt to do all of this yourself…


Your could call the pros at Outer Image Outdoor Services to help you do it right the first time! We design and create outdoor areas for a living all over the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area!

Contact us (859-689-0076) for a free consultation!