Mulching your landscaping can be time consuming and exhausting and that is one reason why choosing the correct mulch is important. However, most importantly, the right mulch not only can help decrease the growth of weeds, provide nutrition for your plants, it can also protect your plants’ roots from extreme temperatures. The following are some mulch options to consider…
Shredded Hardwood Bark Mulch
This type of mulch is great for slopes as it breaks down slowly. Shredded Hardwood Bark Mulch also provides nutrition for your plants as it decomposes. This mulch is 100% shredded tree bark.
Dyed Shredded Bark Mulch
This mulch is a favorite of many homeowners. The rich dark colors of red, brown, and black are pleasant to the eye and have a nice contrast against most lawns. This mulch will decrease the appearance of weeds and retain moisture, however it will not enrich your soil as it decomposes.
Cocoa Hull Mulch
This mulch not only is beautiful, it smells wonderful! Yes, you guessed it, it smells like chocolate! However, this type of mulch is very costly and is poisonous to dogs and cats if they eat it. The benefits are not only the way it looks and smells, but it will last a long time and its rich color doesn’t fade. Be sure to water the mulch down as soon as it is laid.
Pine Bark Nuggets
This mulch will break down very slow and will stay in place. You can buy the pine nuggets in different sizes. Just remember, the bigger the nugget, the longer it will last. One thing to remember about this type of mulch, it is not ideal for slopes. With a heavy rainfall it will wash down the hill.
Sweet Peet Mulch
Sweet Peet Mulch his is a 100% organic mulch and will cost you. However, it is made up of virgin wood products, manure, and plant fibers. Sweet Peet supplies nitrogen in a slow release form that attracts earthworms and other valuable soil organisms. Its dark brown mulch goes through a composting stage where high temperatures destroy weed seeds that may be inside.
Gravel or Rock
Gravel or rock will look attractive and does not have to be renewed annually. However, the use of gravel and rock as a mulch will not improve the soil to help the growth of your plants.
Use Enough Mulch For It To Be Successful
Remember when mulching, the mulch should be about 2-3 inches in depth. For weeds or to suspend grass, you will need to put down 6 inches of mulch.
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Doing it yourself
You could call the pros at Outer Image Outdoor Services to help you do it right the first time! We help our residential and commercial clients with their landscaping everyday!
Contact us (859-689-0076) for a free consultation!
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