Lawn Tips – Lawn Diseases that Occur in the Fall And How to Treat Them

The weather changes in the fall and so does your grass. The best defense for all lawn disease and these fall diseases is to prevent them before they start. Some of these lawn diseases fight treatment very well. In many cases, you’ll need to call a professional Lawn Care Company to eradicate them. Here are some diseases that pop up in your lawn over the fall and how to treat them…

Goose Grass


This is also known as cleavers. It resembles crabgrass (has a wagon wheel shape). This grass has the ability to produce thousands of seeds, which can make it very difficult to get under control.

How can you treat it?  – This weed can be controlled easily with a post-emergent and with a pre-emergent. It also helps to do things like aeration and the use of a good fertilizer can prevent this weed.


Dollar Spot

This disease causes small yellow spots on each individual blade of grass. Over time, the whole grass blade will turn white. This fungus can usually be found in bluegrass lawns in the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area.

How can you treat it? This disease can be controlled with fungicides but it can be a stubborn opponent.


Lawn Rust

This is a disease that attacks the blades of grass. This disease will cause orange-brown specks on your lawn.

How can you treat it? – To help prevent this from occurring in your lawn, it is recommended to aerate your lawn and to avoid watering at night. It’s tough to get rid of also.


Call the pros at Outer Image Outdoor Services to help you do it right the first time! We help our residential and commercial clients with their landscaping everyday!

Contact us (859-689-0076) for a free consultation!

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Outer Image Outdoor Services provides residential and commercial landscaping services to the Northern Kentucky & Greater Cincinnati Area and has more than 20+ years of experience. We provide prompt and thorough service to our customers and treat them like neighbors!

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